Tardigrades and their fascinating genome

Tardigrades, also known as little water bears because of their morphology, are strange little creatures, popular among scientists trying to decipher the unique features that enable them to survive under extreme conditions. Many articles have been published regarding their genetic… Continue Reading


How did dinosaurs become extinct?

Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles that appeared about 250 million years ago at the beginning of the Triassic period and dominated the Earth during the Jurassic and the Cretaceous period. However, they suddenly vanished from the face of… Continue Reading


Crocodiles vs Alligators

Do you use the words “crocodile” and “alligator” interchangeably? Do you think they are the same animals with a different name or with just a few differences? Let’s find out how to distinguish them. Crocodiles and Alligators are reptiles that… Continue Reading


Meet the tuatara

Tuatara are reptiles belonging to the species Sphenodon punctatus. Biologists are very interested in this animal due to its uniqueness and history. Tuatara look like lizards, but they are much more different. They are the only surviving members of the order… Continue Reading