Sickle cell anemia and malaria

It is already known that mutations (changes in the DNA sequence) often alter the genetic information resulting in changes in the functions of cells and hence of organisms, leading to disease. So, one would expect that if a mutation is… Continue Reading


The genetic material

DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid is the genetic material of all the cells and most viruses, with the exception of some viruses that use another type of nucleic acid, called RNA or Ribonucleic acid. As we will see in the following… Continue Reading


What is antibiotic resistance and why is it a threat to public health?

In a previous post, we talked about antibiotics and how they have helped us fight off bacterial infections since their discovery in 1928. To this day, they are used for the prevention and treatment of mild to severe infections some… Continue Reading


What are viruses?

Viruses are microscopic parasites whose size belongs to the nanometer scale. They can invade the cells of other organisms in order to reproduce, since they don’t have the ability to do that independently, outside of their hosts. You might be… Continue Reading